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Tax Status and Exemption

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1Tax Status and Exemption Empty Tax Status and Exemption Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:27 am


Arresto Menor


I would like to seek assistance with my current situation. I am married with one dependent. I worked for 2 company this 2015. My current employer claims that unless I submit my ITR(Income Tax Return) from my previous employer to them my tax status will be single. I was able to comply with the other necessary documents except for the ITR.

What hinders me from getting my ITR from my previous company is the Training Bond of 25k. I filed my resignation 2 week before the completion of the training bond. Because I was about to start with my new company.

My question is my Tax Status will be single forever until I get my ITR from my previous company or would this be change this coming 2016 since it's already a new year? I really want to know if it's worth paying the 25k bond for the ITR or I'll just have to wait until the next year if ever my tax status change.


2Tax Status and Exemption Empty Re: Tax Status and Exemption Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:01 am


Reclusion Perpetua

That's for the current year only.

3Tax Status and Exemption Empty Re: Tax Status and Exemption Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:02 am


Arresto Menor

Yup 2 company in a year kaya hinihingi ung ITR ko from the previous company.

4Tax Status and Exemption Empty Re: Tax Status and Exemption Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:46 am


Arresto Menor

Please, I need to know what I have to do.

5Tax Status and Exemption Empty Re: Tax Status and Exemption Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:18 am


Reclusion Perpetua

serenity2013 wrote:Please, I need to know what I have to do.

Your question was:

My question is my Tax Status will be single forever until I get my ITR from my previous company or would this be change this coming 2016 since it's already a new year?

My answer:

That's for the current year only.

So that means next year you should be on the correct exemption status.

But you are also obligated by your previous contract to pay for the bond.

Do the right thing.

Otherwise if your current employer contacts the previous employer (background check, etc) then you might find yourself in more trouble.

6Tax Status and Exemption Empty Re: Tax Status and Exemption Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:22 am


Arresto Menor

Thank you so much!

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