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Waiver on Company Events

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1Waiver on Company Events Empty Waiver on Company Events Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:25 am


Arresto Menor

I just find this waiver interesting, Is this something legal?
Should the company guarantee its employees safety and well being.
I've been with a lot of companies and this is the first time I will ever sign such a document.
My colleagues mentioned that this waiver is being exercised in any event team building, christmas party, sports fest and year end.

Any insight on this will be much appreciated.

You can view the document here. replace all comma with dot


2Waiver on Company Events Empty Re: Waiver on Company Events Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:19 am


Reclusion Perpetua

So far nothing wrong with it - since they specify situations of "accident, force majeure" etc etc which in reality the company has no control over.

But I do find it unusual or improper that you will be charged a fee for non-attendance.

3Waiver on Company Events Empty Re: Waiver on Company Events Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:44 am


Arresto Menor

I guess its the companies tradition for them not to overspend in case only few will participate.
Well, I guess it's fine if you think so.

Here is a followup question regarding the same waiver but on a different event.

A sportsfest - a probationary employee got injured that caused bone fracture etc.
Since he is still in probation he doesn't have an HMO card yet, no coverage at all.

Given the employee signed the same type of waiver. Is it also right that the company will not be held responsible and hold no liability?

4Waiver on Company Events Empty Re: Waiver on Company Events Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:17 am


Reclusion Perpetua

crismogram wrote:I guess its the companies tradition for them not to overspend in case only few will participate.
Well, I guess it's fine if you think so.

Here is a followup question regarding the same waiver but on a different event.

A sportsfest - a probationary employee got injured that caused bone fracture etc.
Since he is still in probation he doesn't have an HMO card yet, no coverage at all.

Given the employee signed the same type of waiver. Is it also right that the company will not be held responsible and hold no liability?

No direct liability - but since it happens in an official office activity, the employee should be taken care of by bringing the employee to the hospital and if possible handling the expenses in the meantime, then do a salary deduction afterwards.

5Waiver on Company Events Empty Re: Waiver on Company Events Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:28 am


Arresto Menor

Thank you council.

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