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1Blank document Empty Blank document Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:18 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day po. I need advice on something. The situation is this, I took out a salary loan on a lending company and over time I was able to pay off almost all of the total 60 thousand pesos down to only 9 thousand but since then as having resigned from my employment due to some problems back home, I was not able to update my payments so that it went up to 16 thousand in interest and penalty. I reached out to the company and I gave them a promissory note. What I want to ask is this: during the time we agreed on the terms of payment for the balance, they asked for a specimen signature on a blank piece of paper an they kept it along with my files. I did not realize what happened until so until later. Can they use that signature to write just about anything to show that I agreed to put up any property of mine as collateral on a non-collateral loan?

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