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property paying for a private LOT in Surigao City

2 posters

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Gordon Robey

Arresto Menor

Please let me introduce myself as I am a foreigner,Retired,and 75 years old, July 18 2007 I paid a deposit to the amount of THIRTY THOUSAND PESOS as a down payment/or deposit/ to purchase a lot measuring ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FOUR SQUARE METERS,at the asking price of EIGHT HUNDRED PESOS a SQUARE METER. With a total  asking price of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED PESOS. Our agreement was to pay off what was owing at FIVE THOUSAND A MONTH, which I did, But, when I had paid SEVENTY THREE THOUSAND PESOS, The Seller suddenly disappeared and went to live in Manila, He is a policemen. Myself and my wife have lived this last EIGHT in fear of losing our money, and the house that we had built on the lot in question. APRIL, 2015. The Seller suddenly appears phoning my son in law in Surigao City (next lot to ours) demanding the remaining money owed, The first payment to be 10,000 pesos which we can't find on the Pensions we get. Sir, it was not our fault that the remaining FIVE THOUSAND PESOS A MONTH wasn't paid. It wasn't our fault that the Seller disappeared without informing us. I would like to think that we could have the Seller warned or whatever, for breach of contract, and in fact have the remaining money's made void of payment? Thank you for your time and reading my problem. Gordon

Last edited by Gordon Robey on Fri May 29, 2015 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : hoping to get a answer to my post)

2  property  paying  for a  private  LOT in  Surigao City Empty Where is the legal avice Fri May 29, 2015 5:00 pm

Gordon Robey

Arresto Menor

I thought that when I sent in my Post for advice, I would get a reply from any lawyer on your staff. Seems I was wrong you, don't answer at all, So what is the point in me,
or us, sending in a plea for help"?


Reclusion Perpetua

sorry, sir,
i am not a lawyer,
if you want my advice, you can consider..
have a good day

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