good day...would like to be enlightened on some issues regarding holding of salary especially for teachers like me in a private school. We understand that our salary for either Mar28 or April13 is held unless we finish all our report and requirements for clearance signing. It has been done for years in our school and we think it is only just that we have our clearance checked before our salary. This year, our april 13 salary has been held unless we submit our clearance. Later this month, we hv been informed only that even for april 30, they wont give us our salary unless we submit our clearance. I wasnt able to finish my reports but im working on it. Currently we are on vacation and im planning to finish everything and have my clearance checked by nextweek as start of our reporting in school. I am a permanent employee already and though a bit late I know can comply to the requirements, but is it right that 2 cut-offs (april 13 and 28) of our wages is held? though i know i can finish it by nxtweek and finally get my salary, I would just want to know if what they are doing is right?What if I can only finish it by June or July can they hold my salary until then? pls help, thank you very much. God bless!