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Asking for advice on the topic. Thanks

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1Asking for advice on the topic. Thanks Empty Asking for advice on the topic. Thanks Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:11 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello, gusto ko po sana humingi ng advice sa situation ko, eto po un incident report na pinasa ko at basically eto un side ko:

On the 27th of January, I took a half-day leave and reported for work at around 2 in the afternoon. When I arrived in the office, my supervisor*** and manager ***, asked me if I could go to a Bacolod on official business at around 4:45AM the next day to replace WORKER1. I reluctantly agreed, and later they said that in order for me to go, I will need to create a fake ID in order to assume the identity of WORKER1, whose name is in the ticket going to Bacolod.

I came home late at around 8PM because I had to take a picture and had the forged ID laminated after office hours. When I said to my parents I will be leaving suddenly tomorrow early morning and asked for money for the trip, they saw the forged ID and asked details about it. I told them then the details in which they disapproved of the trip telling me that I will be doing something illegal, and some unfavorable scenarios if I was caught or something unfortunate happens. They did not even gave me money so I had no choice and thinking that I it was not a bad thing to refuse to do an unlawful thing, I sent a text to my supervisor, manager and my coworker WORKER2, who is also going on the trip that I will not be able to join in the trip anymore.

My supervisor replied that evening saying I should inform my manager and coworker which I did. Thinking that I will not be joining the trip and had to go to the office as normal, I slept then at around 11PM. When I woke up the next day I learned that my coworker also did not went on the trip. He sent me a text before 2AM asking me if my superiors know that I will not be coming, and I only replied once I woke up in the morning to go to the office. END

I am waiting for their reply but initially pinapasagot samin ni WORKER2 yung nasayang na ticket. Responsible ba ako dun sa nasayang na ticket? Kelangan ba ako makihati? Anu yung pwede sakin i sanction ng company? at if ever bigyan ako ng violation or i charge sakin un ticket anu yung pwede kong gawin. Thank you in advance to whatever feedback nyo mga sir/mam

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