i have the following questions :
1. Is it legal and binding if on the contract you sign, it states that for resignation, you need to file for 60 days notice. Problem was that I already signed the job offer and resigned in my current company, but when I saw the contract for the new company upon start date, I saw that they are asking 60 days notice instead of the usual 30 days. I cant back out now since I already resigned in my previous work and can't afford to be out of work.
2. In the contract I signed, in the event i resign within 6 months, I will be required to pay a bond because of the hiring costs and other costs incurred by the company during my stay. Is it again also legal?
3. Last but not the least, I have an employee who filed for 1 weeks notice but in the contract she signed she is bound with 60 days notice. We compromised with her and offered her 30 days notice instead but she still insisted on the 1 weeks notice. What action or recourse can we do against her? she will start with her new company immediately after her last day with us.