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Marriage Problem

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1Marriage Problem Empty Marriage Problem Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:32 am


Arresto Menor

Hello po.
I need some legal advice regarding the problem i am now with. I am married for almost 8yrs and had a 3 kids(son). My problem is recently i am connected with my ex-bf who is on abroad now on social media and had some chats. These chats ee had are usuall kamustahan lamang po. I have been caught 2x already by my husband reconnecting with my ex which is initial reaction galit talaga since hate niya tlga itong ex ko.fortunatly,we've been reconcilled. Now,on the 3rd time nahuli niya naman ako but the worst is may mga unpleasant exchanging of pictures. Honestly,hindi ako ung nasa pic but i only got it from the websites yong edited nude pic(not showing face). Now,i stopped connecting with this ex. For now,My husband left and i have my kids with me. My worries po now is,am i considered on a grounds of adultery po?will i loose my child custody?what possible charges po against me?what i am supposed to do?i am confused now and afraid of loosing my kids. I badly need your advise. Salamat po ng marami.

2Marriage Problem Empty Annulment Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:17 am


Arresto Menor

Can i file annulment eventhough i am working here in abroad?
Please give me advice.

3Marriage Problem Empty Re: Marriage Problem Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:59 am


Reclusion Perpetua

aep_mine wrote:Hello po.
I need some legal advice regarding the problem i am now with. I am married  for almost 8yrs and had a 3 kids(son). My problem is recently i am connected with my ex-bf who is on abroad now on social media and had some chats. These chats ee had are usuall kamustahan lamang po. I have been caught 2x already by my husband reconnecting with my ex which is initial reaction galit talaga since hate niya tlga itong ex ko.fortunatly,we've been reconcilled. Now,on the 3rd time nahuli niya naman ako but the worst is may mga unpleasant exchanging of pictures. Honestly,hindi ako ung nasa pic but i only got it from the websites yong edited nude pic(not showing face). Now,i stopped connecting with this ex. For now,My husband left and i have my kids with me. My worries po now is,am i considered on a grounds of adultery po?will i loose my child custody?what possible charges po against me?what i am supposed to do?i am confused now and afraid of loosing my kids.  I badly need your advise. Salamat po ng marami.

Adultery is already difficult to prove you have to be caught in the act mating with someone so if he file a case against you it will not prosper!

4Marriage Problem Empty Re: Marriage Problem Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:00 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Pao-pao wrote:Can i file annulment eventhough i am working here in abroad?
Please give me advice.

Yes you can! but go home first then file the annulment and you have to turn up every time there's a hearing.

5Marriage Problem Empty Re: Marriage Problem Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:11 am


Arresto Menor

Thank you po AWV!
Regarding on the child custody? I'm afraid he would borrow my youngest child and he would refuse to return it back on me. He has this attitude many times when we had a fight and goes back to his hometown he hardly give back my child

6Marriage Problem Empty Re: Marriage Problem Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:17 am


Arresto Menor

Adultery is already difficult to prove you have to be caught in the act mating with someone so if he file a case against you it will not prosper!----- cuz i heard he is seeking for a lawyer's advice what might be the charges conplain against me?and also planning to inform the wife ang give my # to het of this ex about what had happened

7Marriage Problem Empty Re: Marriage Problem Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:08 am


Arresto Menor

Another concern is my husband is posting nasty status on facebook against me. Can i use this as a ground against him?badly need help. Very worried as of this momment

8Marriage Problem Empty Re: Marriage Problem Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:50 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Nah! even if he inform the wife, if he and her doesn't have concrete evidence their case will be ignored! especially the guy is abroad? how can you mate with him? through internet? your both an adult if you were teenager maybe the NBI might get involve in your case. If your child is below 7 years old he cannot get him/her off your care.

Regarding his post on Facebook screen shot it as you can charge him libel and let him chew with that!

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