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Are the documents signed by my mother valid

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Roga Almario

Arresto Menor

While my mother was still living, but in poor health, she executed the following documents, in 2009:

Deed of Donation Inter Vivos to me and my sibling;
Deed of Adjudication With Waiver of Rights and Quitclaim on three properties, also to me and my sibling.

All documents have been signed by me and my sibling, and had witnesses sign also the documents.  The problem is (and I noticed it only this April, 2014, when I checked the papers in preparation for transferring the properties) that these documents haven't been notarized at all, which I attribute to our being occupied with my mother's health; she was confined in the hospital).  She died September, 2010.

Do these documents, which have not been notarized, have any merit at all?  Can I still have it notarized?  What can I do to make these legal, if they're not?

Your advice will be greatly appreciated.  More power to you all!

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