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1BREACH OF CONTRACT Empty BREACH OF CONTRACT Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:40 am


Arresto Menor

Good day.

Last summer I entered into a contract whereby I tasked a freelance writer to write 20 articles for 50dollars. However, my initial client failed to pay. Since I did not have money to pay the freelance writer, i ignored her. I deleted her from my contacts so she can't contact me anymore for the payment because I was really ashamed. Now she finds me and asking for the payment and says she will lay legal actions.

Last night we talked about installments. She agreed that we will go with 42pesos for 1 dollar and that I will pay it in installments. We both agreed. Here I thought about the effect of novation.

Early this morning, she said she changed her mind and she is demanding payment.

My questions are;
1. Is the agreement we had last night relinquished/extinguished the breach of contract I had done last time?

2. Is novation an acceptable reason for this situation?

3. What will be my obligation with her?

Thank you and I hope you can help me out.

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