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Breach of Contract

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1Breach of Contract Empty Breach of Contract Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:23 pm

Arresto Menor

I applied as a dean in a certain school in the month of April 2014. Upon submitting my application letter i was intervied already then the following day, they let me sign a contract. I sign it without any supporting documents such as a cedula and my credentials. The effectivity of the said contract is June 2014 and it is stipulated there that breach of contract is payable of three-months equivalent salary. However, in the month of May my previous employer beg me to come back as they offer better benefits. It seems unprofessional but I grant there requests to come back so I signed another contract.
I do inform the school where I applied before last week of May, but they are demanding now for the payment eventhough I have not reported there for work. In this case, am I really required to pay for it?? Is it considered a contract eventhough without cedula? What is the best thing I can do? Thank you!

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