Problem is this.
She was married to an Italian man in Ph in sept 2007, the lived together in in Italy for a year or so then decided to part. She came home to Ph, and he stayed in Italy. Now she is locked in this relationship as she, nor I can find this guy to get her a divorce so that she can move on. She has also spoken to the authorities in Italy which was no help at all. I have tried to find him everywhere on the net without luck.
Surely there must be a clause for this situation. For all we know he could be dead.
I have tried to read up on the annulment laws of Ph but it seems to be a bit hit and miss. Is there something concrete and effective that I can do other than give the case to some attorney in Ph, pay him a lot of money, and hope he does something? I'm willing to pay, but I don't want to throw away time or money.
Please, any advice will help.
Alan Muirhead.