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RIDER - definition

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1RIDER - definition Empty RIDER - definition Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:48 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

An attachment to an insurance policy that modifies the conditions of the policy by expanding or
restricting its benefits or excluding certain conditions from the coverage. Riders, together with other attachments to the policy like clause, warranty or endorsements, are not binding on the insured unless the descriptive title or name thereof is mentioned and written on the blank spaces provided in the policy

Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Lincoln Philippine Life Insurance Company, G.R. No.
119176 (March 19, 2001)

When the requirements for a rider are complied with (including clause, warranty or endorsement), it is considered part of the policy. Thus, a rider containing an “automatic increase clause” – one that increases the coverage subject to the attainment of a certain age of the insured – is not a separate contract. It is part of the original policy which is in the nature of a conditional obligation

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