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On Behalf of A Friend

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1On Behalf of A Friend Empty On Behalf of A Friend Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:49 pm

Caring Father

Arresto Menor

Good afternoon Atty's

Apologies for this lengthy message but I need to explain properly due to it not being for myself.

I have been approached by a friend (after I told about this site) who asked me to write on her behalf as she has no internet connection and no finances, so here goes ...

She is legally married to an Australian man who has always been a "womanizer" and paid women for sex and did this in front of her. Finally she had enough of this (around 2 years ago) and left him.

She has been unsuccessfully trying to gain an address for him so she can ask for support (she has never received even 1 peso from him, even having to gain employment to fund herself during marriage for daily needs)

She heard a rumor that he had another girlfriend (later confirmed by pictures and comments on a social networking site). They were even introducing themselves as "Mr & Mrs in pictures. The woman telling people that he was her husband etc etc.

Another rumor (now confirmed) was that the woman was pregnant and has since had a baby girl. After investigating between us, we have found out that the child has a "profile" in Facebook and her surname is that of the husband of my friend. It came as a shock even though she had an idea this was the case. The husband also has a profile but not in his own name, however comments made in pictures would 99.99% indicate it is him and the other woman. 1 year old children do not call their father "honey" as far as I know. Even 1 picture has the husband with the baby on his chest.

Now this child and other woman reap the benefits of "family life" while my friend struggles to support herself for daily needs and is living with her family who help her.

The questions are as follows:

1. Without an address, can my friend file a case ?

1a. Would NSO and/or Immigration help ?

2. Can the screenshots of the Facebook profiles be used as evidence ?

3. Would this be classed as concubinage/adultery ?

4. Is this evidence sufficient for my friend to file a case of annulment and who would have to pay ?

5. Can she file for psychological abuse ?

6. Can she back claim support from the day she walked away ?

7. Is there a possibility of the husband and other woman going to jail as a consequence

8. Could my friend (with an address of course) "persuade" the husband to pay for annulment ?

Many many thanks for even reading this long message and I hope that someone can answer these questions which I can pass on to my friend

Caring father (and now helpful friend)

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