I'm employed in a multi-national company and my tenure is still 1 month. Last week, the HR in charge of my onboarding admitted that she made a big mistake on my job contract. The 1st contract was a full-time employee (FTE). After 3 weeks since my official start, the HR realized that I should only be fixed term hire (FTH) for 1.5 years or 2.
I need your assistance how to go through with this. I love the company and the work but my contract error made it complex.
On the legal aspect, what are my options? What can I demand?
I'm thinking if I insist my FTE contract, they will hold it against me since I will still undergo probationary period of six months. If FTH, i don't need to undergo probationary period.
Please assist and enlighten me what to do.
Thank you!