I am rendering personal service to a GOCC (CAAP in particular) 40 hours a week. Just like other GOCCs, we are under contract that our GOCCy call "Job Order". Usually Job Order employees are employed if there is a need for additional personnel for a project or other task that require more personnel. But our job isn't a temporary job, jobs like air traffic control, equipment maintenance, encoders, office works, etc. The problem is that the Civil service commission was unable to issue a plantilla or a government item for our jobs. The solution of management to keep operation is to employ job order personnel. I was employed June of 2010, and until now our contracts are renewed every six months. Is there any law that support the legality of the GOCC's actions? Our contract states that service we are rendering are not considered as a government service (we are not considered employees), is it right that they include it in our contract? What can these more than 300 personnel do?