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1ETHICS CASE Empty ETHICS CASE Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:02 pm


Arresto Menor

Good afternoon. I am a regular employee in a BPO industry and have been recently filed against "indulging and or participating in immoral or indecent conduct within the company sites regardless of whether or not committed during working hours" which is a terminable offense. The person who filed this case (who is a guy) has already resigned but still the investigation is ongoing. i want to know what i can do to ensure the results of this case will be in favor of me. this person is an agent of my co-supervisor (who's married) whom i was filed the case with. According to the complainant, the reason why he filed it is to get even with my co-supervisor whom i am close with ever since i was in training. i started out as an agent and his supervisor was one of the pioneer part of the mgt back then. i have to admit tho that there was a time when we almost had a relationship but due to his marital status, it never occured. eventually, his wife posted some scandalouscomments in FB which the complainant used as evidences. i was able to talk to him and he apologized to me and told me i am a collateral damage to this case as his only target is to get even with my co-sup. can someone please help me with legal advice on this? thanks

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