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Daily time record

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1Daily time record Empty Daily time record Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:07 pm


Arresto Menor

Gud day 2 all!most especially to those who will discussed this issue.My question is Is it considered as falsification of public documents that we are using biometric dtr and at the same time we are going to sign in our log book? Sometimes,,makalimutan namin ang oras kung kailan kmi nag biometric tpos minsan mag vary ang time na ilagay namin sa logbook..Ma consider po ba na falsification of pulic documents iyon?Kasi ang Logbook namin malapit lng sa lugar na kung saan kami naglalogbook...Please help me with this problems...Thank you and God Bless!!!!

Last edited by nelben on Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wrong spelling)

2Daily time record Empty Re: Daily time record Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:16 pm



are you an employee in a private company or in the government?

a DTR is not a public instrument issued by a government entity, it is a private document. it is falsification if there a false statement made with the intent to defraud the company.

have you been accused by your employer and now required to file an explanation? find out where the payroll is based, on the logbook or the biometric dtr. how large are the disparities? if the payroll is based purely on the dtr, then this offense should not warrant a serious penalty such as termination.

how big are the discrepancies between the logbook and the dtr?

3Daily time record Empty Re: Daily time record Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:59 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank you for your very well said explanation. I am a government employee.I am not accused by such offense but rather we are warned by our administrator for that offense,,,because we are using biometric then enter also the time in our logbook.Actually as a faculty we are optional to use the biometric,,but since we have that kind of machine so we have to use it for fastest way,,not to fill up dtr at the end of month but rather sign our dtr dowloaded from biometric machine...

4Daily time record Empty Re: Daily time record Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:46 pm



best thing to do, keep your nose clean and maintain both religiously. good luck.

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