I'm new here and hope you can help. I have a friend who is being held in the CPRDR in Cebu. He was arrested in July, but still has not had his arraignment, he was told recently is was scheduled for mid-december.
His attorney has filed a MOTION to BAIL. It was filed more than 90 days ago. So my question, is what is the usual process for a motion to bail to go through the court? How long does it normally take and what are the usual steps. I have heard things like, a memoranda being submitted to the court and a schedule for oral arguments coming up. WHat do these mean?
And can this motion be decide BEFORE he has even had his arraignment?
His case had one count that had NO BAIL, so his attorney filed the motion above. But since being told the motion was filed, we have had no news.
I am now back in the UK, so getting information is very difficult. I hope this forum can help.
Thank you.