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conflict of interest

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1conflict of interest Empty conflict of interest Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:14 pm


Arresto Menor

We have an employee who ran for the barangay election and won.  He is actually a Supervisor in our company, HR was not informed that the person would be running until after the elections when he won.  Would there be any conflict of interest or is there anything in the law that states private employment of barangay officials?

2conflict of interest Empty Re: conflict of interest Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:07 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

some companies doesn't allow having 2 jobs.

3conflict of interest Empty Re: conflict of interest Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:39 am



bgy officials are allowed to continue having a job. it cannot be a basis for termination.

4conflict of interest Empty Re: conflict of interest Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:06 pm


Arresto Menor

Dear Atty,

Good Afternoon!
My friend has almost the same case. My friend is working in a private company as HR personnel.
one of his functions is handling disciplinary cases of the employees. they have a company rule written in their handbook that no body must be engaged in gambling/betting and the likes inside the company premises that might affect the company operations and its image.

My friend is currently having a business which is ATM lending. Actually the business operates by his wife and later my friend encourages his co-employees if they want to lend their atm and thus he encourage some of them. can this be considered as conflict of interest based on the employee handbook by their company? The business transaction was made outside the workplace but my friend is the one giving the remaining salary of his co-employees during working hours or within the company and the operation does not hamper. My friend is quite confuse since he is the one handling the disciplinary cases of their company.

please advice. thanks!

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