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Posting Private Messages on Facebook Timeline

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Arresto Menor

Hi, I would like to ask something about if someone can file a case against me for posting our chat on facebook.

Recently I was chatting with someone on facebook. She was trying to say that she needs money for her dad's dialysis. So I ask her where is she and which hospital. She said shes currently at St. James at Cabuyao. I was planning to lend her money but i doubt her that she could pay in addition to it she is using her mobile phone to message me and it shows where she is at the moment. It says from her GPS through her phone everytme she message me that she is at South Green Heights which is located at muntinlupa not on cabuyao laguna.

She insisted that she is at cabuyao. so i joked her and told her that she needs to send back her phone coz her gps is not telling the truth about her location. and i asked her if she wants some proof. so i made a screen shot showing that her phone gps says that she is at a different place, i post it on my fb and tagged her to show a proof saying that "pag pera usapan lumalabas kasinungalingan Smile". then she got mad at me and kept on explaining that its not true. she even cursed me and threw profanity words but im still smiling at her and joking her that shes guilty. then at the end she said that shes gonna file a complaint against me posting our conversation on fb and she will ask people against women abuse. I dont know if theres a case about what i did then he blocked me coz she got irritated because her plan to get money from me failed because of her GPS showing her real location. Again, is there any case that can be filed against me? i just posted the truth on fb and i asked her first if she want some proof and she replied "ok?" then got mad at me. I wasnt even serious about it coz i was still joking before she totally blocked me.

thank you so much for the reply


Arresto Menor

I was just trying to ask if theres a case that can be filed against me for tagging her and posting our private conversation on my timeline saying "pag pera usapan lumalabas kasinungalingan Posting Private Messages on Facebook Timeline Icon_smile". Is it an abuse?

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