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legal advice about Globe's Epic Failure on Customer Service

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Arresto Menor

I need legal advice on what i can do about
Globe's Epic Failure on Customer Service

I asked for a transfer of line last august 14, 2013. I was advised to pay so they can facilitate the request, I did pay via my online bank access. I was promised that they'd have my line transferred by saturday, no one called to verify. I called the next day and was promised to have my line transferred monday, but since it was "Maring" day, heavy rains and flooding, i understand why they were not able to follow up on my request, i called the next day, i was promised to have my transfer that day, as usual, they didn't come, so i called the afternoon of the same day, i was promised by a guy named Zian from the installation team, i presumed, that they will come over my house even if it's after their shift to have my line transferred.. i trusted his word and waited the whole night, they never came. So i called the next day, wednesday, They promised that they'll have my line transferred by that day, and NOPE, never happened. I'm pretty pissed off by then, as you can imagine. They promised me that they'd be at my place 10:30am on my lunch break and so i did leave on my lunch break hoping and banking on their promise to be here on time. as usual... they failed me again, they were an hour late, the transfer of my line took 2 hours, so therefore I was late for 2 hours for work.. there goes my attendance bonus and got a Memo from work too!

I filed a formal complaint via Globe's Customer Service about last August 24, 2013. I asked for a credit to be given to me for all the aggravation. They gave me PHP2,000.00 worth of statement credits which is not even enough to cover my lost attendance bonus. They also offered me to upgrade my plan to 3mbps with wifi router for the same amount of money i pay every month, I took the offer. I was promised to have my line upgraded 2-3days after that. Guess what? they never showed up, i called why, and they said that they did call me and that my house was closed... I was so mad because the number they apparently called was an old prepaid number i never gave them to call me for follow up.. and I was here at my house the whole time waiting for them!

Since then, i call everyday, sometimes 2x or 3x a day and always ask for a supervisor, with their names and employee ID number for the follow up. I have all the reference numbers on file too. I have talked to 7 supervisors, namely: Yani Hernandez, Jm De La Cruz, Ian Aguilar, Allison Del Rosario, Jackie De la Cruz, Jc Espinosa, Erza Galot and not one has made my request fully fulfilled and resolved. I even made an extra effort to be nice and polite despite the fact that i am fuming mad, hoping that it'll help... every time i call, they give me the same feedback that the installation team keeps calling the old, no longer active phone number.. when i specifically said to have that number deleted from their system. It's now the 2nd of august and my line still hasn't been upgraded. Today, I finally asked for the Manager, her name is Lea Mabulac, she promised that she'll call me personally to give me an update of my request. I'm Giving her today to have my issue resolved. I Also sent a complaint to NTC about this and i will seek legal advice as well. This has to stop!

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