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property redemption

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1property redemption Empty property redemption Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:38 am

joella cortez

Arresto Menor

if we will pay the taxes and deposit in court 200 thousand upon filling the petition for redemption, will we be heard by the court ? The annotation at the back of the title has given them liberty on their separate cases only known to us after we've furnished copies from the Registry of Deeds, this was before the title was mortgage to them.In fact, in good faith we all signed the document not in the presence of a lawyer, and the copy my mother has kept was not signed by both the lawyer and the witnesses, and without notary nor sealed. After the BP22 case of the wife in 1992 , our brother in 1997 used the title in his criminal case, the title was not returned to our mother, they demand all of us to sign the mortgage without attached copy of when and how our mother owed the amount of165,00.00 . after 3 yrs, she died of heart attack. Will this action we plan be justified ? Please lend us your heart.

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