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Stolen Credit Card

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1Stolen Credit Card Empty Stolen Credit Card Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:56 am


Arresto Menor

Good Morning- I left my credit card at a restaurant we dined in a little bit less then a month and didnt know about it until i receirved a text message from my bank informing me that i has just recently been maxed out. I called them and found out that my card has several transactions made on the same restaurant and the grocery store right next to it almost everyday from the time i lost it. We visited the restaurant earlier to report it and the manager found out the my card has repeatedly been used by the same cashier. They said that theyll report it to the agency the employees from and that they will pay all of it. What case can i file against the employee, the restaurant and the agency? Are they all liable? Please advice. Thank you.

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