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ofw woman seeking annulment and custody of their child from husband who have an affair

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Arresto Menor

good evening po!
i am an ofw since 2006 and i met my husband here in ksa. we got married in philippines in Aug.10, 2007..but in Jan. 2008 i got home and lost my job due to pregnancy. i got back to ksa in Nov.2008 after my delivery in May to b with my husband but we are always fighting and almost decided to separate...march 2009 he lost his job due to involvement to some fights, he stayed in ksa for 6 months unemployed and i supported him as a wife. but our fights continue...i try to b calmer then since i know the psychological impact to him loosing his job and his father's death at the same time. he was able to go home in sept.2009, and took my daughter from my parents since he is the father...and my family agreed on it. when he was settled with his parents i talked to him about the separation and our issues... he tried to convince me that he will change and if i wont change my mind at least leave my daughter with him since she is the only 1 he got...i pity on his plea. i took vacation in May 2010 and discussed things and tried to b together in 1 month of my vacation. when i went back to ksa we decided to really close everything but i continue my financial support to my daughter....but since he have work in philippines i decided to stop my support since i got some financial problem too and im also supporting my siblings. he threatened me to report to owwa for non support but i argue with him that he is the father and my daughter is not yet spending much and how come he cannot even support a small child. i told him that if he cannot support my daughter, give her back to my parents and i will not ask anything from him but he didnt give in. i resume my financial support but i sent it through my mom...last feb. 2013, my mom told me that my daughter was telling her that she have a sibling name tj. i didnt take it seriously since i thought maybe its just a neighbor or a friend from his father's place...and his father is also not mentioning anything to me about his affairs. and most of the time he is the 1 accusing me of having an affair. then this month i accidentally found out that the story of my daughter is true. i saw a lot of pictures of my husband and the girl and their daughter. the child is 2 yrs. now. so i assume that when we were still discussing our separation he already had an affair. if i file an annulment now, what grounds can i file? and how can i have the custody of my daughter? pls. advice me! thanks!



please look up 'grounds for annulment' in the forum.

if you can find a way to get the child on your own, you can do so. if not, the remedy is to file a petition in court for custody.

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