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Can you file a case against someone that you don't even know where that person is?

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Arresto Menor

I'll try to make the story short.
I have a male co-worker. We are in the same department. He is married. During work events or on group gatherings with co-worker friends, we often take pictures together. So over a few years we spent working together, we have a lot of pictures na kami lang dalawa. But seemingly harmless photos of two co-workers and as friends. DECENT photos. He also has other photos of other female co-workers na sila lang dalawa. All of a sudden, his wife kept making indirect comments of our photos posted in facebook of how malandi I am, how his husband doesn't commit to his wife and all that drama shit and bringing God and religion to the matter. At that time, wife was pregnant with their 2nd child and she was in a different city. So let's just say nag hormonal imbalance siya.

Medyo nagkaroon pa ng problema sa work because nakikita ang mga comments ng boss ko, co-workers ko and maybe some clients. I didn't comment back to her comments. But to make it short, I was asked to delete the album to not further the issue.

I chatted w/ the wife. We said our peace. Even though I didn't have any ill intentions about my co-worker/her husband, I said sorry for being close to him and resolved to have my distance from him and she said sorry for the posts that she did. Sort of OK na. WRONG!

My co-worker resigned, went to his wife to the other city and that's the last thing I've seen or heard of him. I don't have his cell number, we are not friends sa fb, blocked the wife sa fb.

After about 8 months this wife suddenly txted me messages na wala pa nya na get over sa ginawa ko sa kanilang marriage. First time I just ignored. I even wondered how she got my number.

2nd time: just recently but this time I replied asking her to stop as if my sibling is using that current number. She still goes on and on about the grave mistake i did and she doesn't have any remorse for what she did to me and even to the company that i worked for. I want to file a case against her for unjust vexation. The problem is, I don't know where in the world she is. Is there still something that I can do? I don't want to change my sim, I have my important contacts in it. All I know is that I think the wife is in a certain city but I don't exactly know where.

**and believe me. talking to her is nonsense. so delusional and so feeling righteous.

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