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Please give me advice on what to do

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1Please give me advice on what to do Empty Please give me advice on what to do Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:15 am


Arresto Menor

MY problem is I don't know if the case is swindling or estafa. I am selling intangible items online which I advertised thru page. Last june 17, a customer text me on my cellphone and purchase game cards epin at the amount of $32 and 2x500 globe call cards load for $30. on the. She said her name is portia yamo. She used unverified paypal account under portia yamo name.On june 19 this cust purchase again for 3000 gameclub epin she paid $78 before notifying me she already sent money to my paypal but this time she used roger tan paypal account. On june 20 she made two purchases one in the morning @9am 3000 game club epin again for $78  and he purchase and in the evening she purchase for $104 she purchased 4000 game club ecoin ( she used roger tan unverified paypal again).. which I sent again the epin to the mobile # noted on the Paypal payment.And I withdraw the money on that day also and it was completed the next day On June 22 she purchased 6000 game club ecoin for amount of $150.using roger tan paypal again. then after that transaction she encourage me to buy Paypal funds from her. She offered for $100 I exchange rate will be 40php per usd which she instructed me to send thru lbc.. She sent $105 she the $5 is to cover the fee charge by LBC. she sent money on that evning almost 6pm but instructed me to send the money thru lbc on the next day, which I did. So on june 23 we texted before the sending of the money occured.She evn olf me that she uses the game for her internet shop by retailing it to customers and she said her computer shop was somewehre in makati and she said roger tan was her fiance and she used credit card to fund paypal bec its expensive to get advance encashment from the bank using credit card. I ask her if she its ok I can send he money thru m lhuillier or cebuana cause I though charge there are smaller, but on her text she said those are far from her location and said that the lbc very close since it is located by the infront of her computer shop, she said she will just need to go the other side of the road. On her text she gave me detail about the name where I will send the money.. to my surprise she she gave me a guy name John Rey Z. Sales with first name middle initial, last name and the mobile number which she was using to text me and the address is lictin catanduanes, then she sent message again she gave the whole middle name by saying, my middle is ZUNICIA, I was confused because In my understanding I was talking to portia yamo, I wondered why she said her middle name. So i just clarified isnt it I am talking to portia right? She said yes but I let u put my mobile # for easy tracing if the money was already received by him. So I did not questio anymore so at quarter to 1pm I went to LBC.. She game me details where to send the money with the details she gave me. We even had an agreement that our next trxn will be on june 25 which did happen anymore. On the morning of june 24 I withdrawed the money from paypal to bank account. On the evening I was shocked with the notice of the paypal saying my withdrawal was cancelled bec of there was either dispute or unauth payment from roger tan, So I tried to call portia yamo.. she did not answer.. i tried to make explanation on paypal about the trxn but the paypal said I am not eligible for seller protection bec on their policy which I didn't know before.. you must post the tangible goods and shipping info on paypal trxn, so I still gave explanation but after few minutes my bank withrawal was reversed and the $104 was reversed and sent back to roger tan , then the $78 was still on hold by paypal. Paypa explain that because due to my reverse payment thats why my withdrawal was cancelled. At midnight portia yamo texted me.. I requested her to answer my call she said its already late so she just texted. She checked her paypal and confrimed that there got a refund for $100 and $78 payment, she asked me to wait for a while but that while took two days now and was not hearing anyhthing from her from then on. And the phone # was unattended.. So in short she was no longer willing to send back the payment for me. In my analysis portia yamo and roger tan are just dummy account. I thought thats the main reason why she can't answer my call or why she asked me to send money to different name and address because portia yamo is just as story she made and ofcourse she will be needing id's to claim the money that's he need to provide his real name but still pretending that's for diff person.Now my question is do I have hope to win this case. I don't have money. Ca I just go to NBI here in olongapo to file a complaint for this case.. its considered estafa or swindling? Please give me advice on what to do.

2Please give me advice on what to do Empty Re: Please give me advice on what to do Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:29 am

tsi ming choi

Reclusion Perpetua

Thats an online scam.

Yup you can go to NBI for investigation and for proper filing of complaint, there is an exclusive division for that, i think the fraud or cybercrime department.

Estafa or swindling is just the same, there is the presence of Fraud.

3Please give me advice on what to do Empty Re: Please give me advice on what to do Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:04 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Complain the real name he gave you where you sent the money to John Rey Zunicia Sales. That is for sure his real name not Portia or Roger.

4Please give me advice on what to do Empty Re: Please give me advice on what to do Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:04 am


Arresto Menor

Thanks so much for your reply.. I had already reported him to NBI.. I provided the evidences.. The NBI officer told me that we are going to issue subpoena thru mail against this person. Now my question is, since i warned this persom several times that im going to report him to NBI and they will issue subpoena against him.. What if this person hide to prevent acceptance of the subpoena thru mail. What will happen if his family denied him that he lives at the address where i sent th money.or what if he transferred to different place to hide?

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