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Oral defamation???

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1Oral defamation??? Empty Oral defamation??? Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:40 pm


Arresto Menor

hi, good day.

Please help.

i am the administrator of a school and i just want to ask for your opinion regarding an incident that happened at our school.

Some time in mid-May, an applicant's father paid 2000 for reservation in the morning slot of the grade 1 class.  Our staff advised the husband verbally that reservation fee is non-refundable.  He still paid despite of the advisory.

June 6, 2013, the man's wife arrives at our school DEMANDING a refund.  When we said that it is non-refundable she was quick to respond that " Di pwede yan! Walang sinabi sa akin at wala akong pinirmahan na ganyan!" When we still refused  stating that it was school policy she fumed with anger and started saying derogatory remarks and cursing (P.I. included).  She went on and on saying derogatory remarks at the school, faculty and staff.  She ended with "Mamatay na kayong lahat!", before banging the cashier's window and office door with her hand.  No body went down to her level and exchanged bad words with her.  ( hindi namin pinatulan )  There a lot of parents that day and I have lots of witnesses to her escapade.  .  There were even two firemen about to conduct an annual inspection that decided maybe it was a bad time.  They haven't returned since and our fire inspection certificate is still pending.

The next day the husband who happens to be a malacañan police officer came and we had a talk.  We stood our ground and needless to say we came to an agreement verbally.  Now she files a complaint at the barangay office and dep ed.  No problem for us because we have the proper documentation of school policies.

i want to ask what case can I/we file against this woman??  She's rude, a bully and needs to be taught a lesson.  thanks.

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