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Arresto Menor

Good day atty. The case that I filed for illegal termination is ii NLRC already since march. But the company and I was only able to meet on May20 because of 2 resets. 1st hearing the responendt didn't attend which I waited for them for 2hrs, on the supposed 2nd hearing had errands to attend and got late for few mins and when I came there, the respondent had already left and signed the reset bec he came earlier. Sabi ng mga nakausap ko don, tactics ng respondent un ganun. So it was reset for a 3rd hearing, sa sobrang kinagulat ko yung arbiter e dinarag darag at pinahiya ako sa harap ng ikinocomplain ko. Mahirap mang magbintang pero mukhang may usapan ng naganap sa kanila. Ang bungad kagad sa akin ng arbiter ay magkano daw ba hinihingi ko at tuwing magsasalita ako to explain, she cuts me off and dinadaan ako sa taas ng boses at sinabi pa mismo na wala daw damage na nagawa kahit na hindi pa naman niya ako pinagsasalita para iexplain un complaint ko. Nagulantang talaga ako dahil pinahiya niya ako sa harap ng inirereklamo ko. Parang lumalabas pa na sila un complainant dahil sa respondent pa siya nagpapaalam ng ggawin. For position paper na ako but unforunately, hindi ako nakahanap kagad ng atty kasi my schedule has been so hectic and I've been depressed bec of my grandfather's death recently plus i'm attending training in a hospital, which is 8am-5pm, at times had to extend until 7pm, during weekdays And 9days ago, I got a viral infection that i needed to stay at home for 1week. I guess these are not excuses pagdating ko sa NLRC, but I surely need to ask for an extension for the submission of the position paper. I was already able to go to PAO but they can't take my case pa kasi kulang sa oras na. They advised me to go to NLRC on the schedule given and ask for the extension, kung payagan daw ako balik daw ako kagad sa kanila. Ano po ba yung chances na mabigyan ako ng extension for the position paper? Ang kinakatakot ko po ulit e hindi ako mabigyan dahil nga sa pagkampi ng arbiter sa respondent. Nakakatrauma sila. And sinabihan din ako na magbabayad ako pag hindi nakapagsubmit ng position paper. Naguhuluhan na talaga ako atty. Pero gusto ko talaga to ilaban dahil sobrang pahiya at abala na binigay nila sa akin. Badly need a response po. Thank you.

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