My mother, a 67 y/o senior citizen was publicly humiliated by a bank teller last month which caused my mother to break down in the bank. She just kept on crying and was unable to stand alone and speak when I fetched her from the bank. Since the incident, my mother has suffered several anxiety attacks, insomnia, BP escalation, and I'd often catch her just crying. We have filled a complaint about this teller to the Bank Manager and she has been reprimanded by transferring her to another branch. We also filled a blotter against her and had her summoned to the Brgy. Last week, in one of the Brgy hearings, she called my mother "without common sense" and said she has nothing to settle because she did not believe she did anything wrong. She also remarked that the Brgy hearing was "a waste of time."
We would like to file a case against her but we are unsure of what exactly we could file.
Please help us.
We would like to file a case against her but we are unsure of what exactly we could file.
Please help us.