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Terminated due to internet browsing

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1Terminated due to internet browsing Empty Terminated due to internet browsing Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:19 am


Arresto Menor

I,ve worked for a call center for 5 years, unfortunately my employment was terminated due to being issued a case for internet browsing with adult content. I was forced to admit that I did browse unauthorized web sites but explained that links to adult pages were accessed unintentionally. I requested for consideration since it was a terminable offense but was disregarded.

I just want to ask clarification on what grievance is and should this be an option for an employee to provide reason why he/she should not be terminated?

Many thanks for your help in shedding light to this.

2Terminated due to internet browsing Empty Re: Terminated due to internet browsing Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:17 am


Reclusion Perpetua

You can contest the decision to NLRC,check first if due process were given to you or not. You can file illegal termination if due process were not performed. Your company will carry the burden to proved that you actually browse obscene sites. Just defend yourself that its unintentionally done.

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