They are a noisy family due to the fact that they are using loud voices in disciplining their kids but this does not happen everyday and every time.
Having said, there was a situation where kid 1 was hit in the head by a solid block toy by kid 2 that made kid 1 cry out loud. The parents warned kid 2 to not do it again and was slapped in the hand by a ruler that too resulted for kid 2 to cry out loud.
Afterwards the parents tried to pacify the kids but was unsuccessful that led for my brother to use his loud voice. Having done that only kid 1 stopped but kid 2 still went on. My brother opted to let kid 2 stop voluntarily by not doing anything more.
Thus their neighbors "being concerned" that the kids were being harmed thus opted to call the baranggay and are intent on filling a child abuse case against the parents.
My inquiry are the following:
1) Is my brother and his wife at any fault in the way their disciplining their kids that could result into child abuse?
2) Does their being noisy could also be liable for any case?
3) In the case of their obstructing neighbors can be charged as well for not knowing the truth first before filling the child abuse case? and even calling the baranggay?
Any clarifications on this inquiry is very much welcomed.
Thank you very much.