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best way to get property back

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1best way to get property back Empty best way to get property back Sat May 18, 2013 5:17 pm


Arresto Menor


me and my wife (who is living in cebu) did buy a jeepney in manila to help her brother
we have written agreement that he can rent it and has to pay the rent atleast once a month on our account

problem is that he is not paying the rent, saying that jeepney has issues and cant ride
this is not true, i did a confidential investigation which i cant tell more of it, but jeepney is riding 6 days a week

as he is not keeping to the deal i want to get the jeepney back in an official way, without warning before,
he lied too much

how to proceed with this ? in my country i would go to a bailiff office but probably this is not the way to do in the philippines

small extra issue might be that he has the original dead of sale, my wife has a copy, but jeepney is on my wife's name

thx in advance, all help is welcome


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