It hasn't sold since then-and in it's unfinished state it looks old and worn out already.She lived like a queen-she is living in one of the unit there.The bad thing is that she was also given the 'freedom' to use SOME of the 6M for her living allowances while she was 'supervising' the construction,while they were still in relationship as "salary".my husband feels that she really padded the expenses.if we hire a lawyer, can we demand to see her bank account? also-if she will not provide the detailed summary of expenses-can we file an estafa case agaisnt her? I've been reading a lot on this lately and I've found out estafa cases never go to jail.How true is that?
Also, can we have her evicted from the premises, as that was never in the agreement? It's hard for us to pursue this matter as we are always abroad.
In a more personal light-he also got infected of gonorrhea from her, although she denies it.That STD could have rendered my husband infertile thus ruining the chance of us having kids.Can we sue for that?
Please enlighten us.thanks.