Quick question atty:
I went to ucpb headoffice in makati a copy of the document I signed as a co-borrower for the loan to know my accountability, the bank REFUSED to provide me that same copy on the grounds that I am just a co-borrower and not the main borrower. Fyi, I am living abroad.
The main borrower is my wife. She was caught cheating  with a long time boyfriend so I stopped sending her money as we are in the process of legal things, but I continued paying for the car.  2 weeks ago, i just found out that she withdraw money from the ucpb bank account which was solely intended to pay off for the loan, now the account has incurred interest and missed payments due to insufficient funds, while on my end I never failed to miss the payments.
UCPB's refusal to provide me a copy of the documents I signed previously as co-borrower, is that legal? All i want to know is my right as co-borrower, but the bank refused. My cheating wife caused all the trouble and she never paid, and the bank is not helping me.
What case you think will prosper against my cheating wife?
and against the bank?