I want to get some legal advice about my employer. who failed to pay our remaining salary for our last project. because he used our money to cover or to pay his bills for his studio.. i was hired to be his Animation Director, but through verbal agreement only or lets say he did not give me any contract to sign or whatsoever. at 1st he never fail's to pay us on time.. but when he bought some machine or unit's of Pc for his new project.. he starts to fail to pay us on time... Untill he just barrowed my basic pay.. its ok with me at 1st time cause im earning some money by making animation work at the same show that im directing beside my basic pay... then eventually his just paying the payment for the show and fail to pay my basic for animation director. And always promise his going to pay me if he close the deal for the other project.. when we finished the Show me and my team... he barrowed again the last payment for the last episode of the show.. Before he pay us every month but this past few months he fails to pay us and keep on saying his studio never earned enough money to pay us.. untill it end up almost a year and still saying the same old ****.. on his e-mails to me... i keep on trusting him and keep on doing some projects for him like some exam's and short films sometimes im doing it for free.. just hoping we get a new show for him to be able to pay us... its been a year and now i havn't recieve any reply from him i have all his emails,text,skype history papers from money transfer.. some say's i had better chance to Sue him because he made me work without any contract... we have 102k php left that he failed to pay.. I hope u can give us some legal advice on what should we do or do we have any chance to get our money that we worked hard for.. Pls forgive my english and grammar.. thank you and God bless...