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Car Company Sales Agents

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1Car Company Sales Agents Empty Car Company Sales Agents Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:53 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi. I'm posting this for a friend who is a sales agent. Are Sales Agents in automobile companies in the Philippines considered as regular employees based on the following?:

1. They are receiving basic minimum wage salary and commissions for sales as well.
2. Their monthly salaries have deductions for philhealth, sss, pagibig and Witholding Tax.
3. They have been employed for a year already.
4. They are required to log-in and log-out through their biometrics system every day including days that they are assigned on the field.

In my opinion kasi, regular employee na but I'm not that sure. There might be a law kasi specific only for sales agents.

Thank you very much!

2Car Company Sales Agents Empty Re: Car Company Sales Agents Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:53 pm

Pedro Parkero

Pedro Parkero
Reclusion Perpetua

pareho tau ng opinyon. dahil na rin sa more one year employment relations at yung trabaho ng agents sa aking mura at wlang bahid na pagkukunwaring isipan e usually necessary and desirable 2d usual business ng otomobil company.

pero dahil na rin sa otomobil company ito, meron itong grupo ng mga matitinik at henyong abogado na hindi gagawa ng ganyang sistema ng wlang sapat na kahandaan... dahil dyan, unsure din ako ng konti. pero konti lang

3Car Company Sales Agents Empty Re: Car Company Sales Agents Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:53 pm


Arresto Menor

up for this

4Car Company Sales Agents Empty Re: Car Company Sales Agents Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:43 pm



i would consider them regular employees

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