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continious contract? is it legal?

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1continious contract? is it legal? Empty continious contract? is it legal? Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:53 am


Reclusion Perpetua

good day. ask lng po. is it legal sa system ng idang comp ang hindi pag asign ng bawat employee na magng regular employee? meaning evrey 6 months ang signing namin ng contract as long as may proj or may work. if ever hols or wlang proj? lay-off kami and re-call na lng after a weeks or months once nag resume ang work. as per contract we are signing? we are not contractual, nor we are not a regular employee. we are consultant. no 13 month, no back pay and no over time rate. fix to per hour only weder past 5pm or even saturday same rate per hour as ordinary working days.

2continious contract? is it legal? Empty Re: continious contract? is it legal? Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:50 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

dapat may 13th month at may overtime pay..

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