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Illegal Dismissal and Discrimination

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1Illegal Dismissal and Discrimination Empty Illegal Dismissal and Discrimination Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:47 pm


Arresto Menor

I'm a regular employee, with no attendance/tardiness issues. I was a top performer and had never had problems hitting my quota.

I was terminated recently due to performance issues.

In November I was one short off my quota. They immediately put me on a performance improvement plan. This is due to demotivation, not having any sort of relationship with my manager, feeling devalued. What I found not being fair is that during that time, another representative was also about to get terminated, if she did not hit her goal. I later found out, she was helped and given extra sales, so she can reach it. I have proof of this. If she was given, why wasn't I helped? The performance improvement plan that they also implemented was only a verbal agreement. Never did I see it placed on our contract. To think of it, they never issued us with our contract too. We have no paper to suggest we were regularized, no papers signed, nothing. The company's implementing rules as they go along. They announce it via email if there are new process in place.

There are incidences where I was "pinaparinggan" sa floor, managers making remarks about me that I know was directed at me but choose to ignore it.

I was accused of so many things - nothing was ever proven. When I confronted one manager about it to see some kind of complaint against me or documentation, she had none.

I was starting to believe this is their way to get rid of me. This is premeditated and all planned out.

A letter was given to me to state that I have a hearing to explain my side on why I should not be terminated. I did. I had evidence with me of my stats, performance from date of start to present. They never asked for documentation. The hearing lasted 6 minutes.

January 9th, I was given immediate termination. Asked to leave and sign the term paper. I did not.

Can u please tell me if I have the right to file? If I can possibly win this?

I'm going to NLRC on monday.

Any advise is so appreciated. Pls help!

2Illegal Dismissal and Discrimination Empty Re: Illegal Dismissal and Discrimination Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:34 pm


Arresto Menor

Does anybody have any advice, comments, suggestions on this??

I'd appreciate the help guys!

Thank you!!

3Illegal Dismissal and Discrimination Empty Re: Illegal Dismissal and Discrimination Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:37 am


Reclusion Perpetua

if you think you were illegally dismissed, then file a case at NLRC.

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