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Can this marriage be nullified?

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1Can this marriage be nullified? Empty Can this marriage be nullified? Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:40 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day, everyone! I really, really, need an expert's help on this. I hope someone can give me an idea of what to do.

My mom is a single parent. She has always been, and I believed that she was unmarried, until only this afternoon. has a long-distance relationship with a Greek guy. Only recently, the guy proposed to her, so we are getting her papers ready so that she can fly to Greece. Unfortunately, due to water damage, her IDs and documents were either damaged beyond repair or lost, so we had to re-apply for her lost IDs and documents including her passport.

After a couple of weeks, we finally have her TIN ID, Postal ID, Birth Certificate, and NBI Clearance. Just to be sure, I went to NSO again to secure a CENOMAR. I just wanted to have as many of her IDs as possible so we can be sure that we have enough required documents before applying for renewal of her passport. This afternoon, NSO released her CENOMAR, but I got an Advisory on Marriages instead. It is indicated here that my mom was married in 1987 with a certain Filipino man.

When I talked about it to mom, she was very much upset. She said that she was a teenager at that time and the guy and her signed some papers just to play around. They filled-up a contract and randomly scribbled and put "X" on it and then afterward they threw it away. Now she is slightly hysterical and she couldn't believe how come that fake marriage has now a certificate in the NSO.

Meanwhile, this Filipino man that she allegedly "married" is already married and has his own family in the United States and is currently unreachable. So, we are both wondering: a) how was this guy able to marry if he and my mom had this Marriage Certificate in the NSO; and, b) how did their 1987 fake marriage push through in the first place?

Now, I would like to know if there is a way that this marriage contract can be nullified. I would also like to know if there is a chance that maybe the marriage has already been annulled or declared null and that's why the man was able to marry? Maybe the marriage is already null, just not taken out of the NSO yet?

Thank you very much. I hope that someone replies to me soon, because my mom is leaving in a couple of months and this is a HUGE pile of dung on our shoulders.

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