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employer did not enroll me in HMO

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1employer did not enroll me in HMO Empty employer did not enroll me in HMO Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:59 pm


Arresto Menor


I just wanted to ask, as per our employment contract, I should have HMO coverage from day 1. only to find out 45 days after na wala pala akong coverage. As per management na overlook daw which I dont feel is a valid excuse. Can I file a complaint against the employer? If so, where? Or would you advise against me filing a complaint and why?

2employer did not enroll me in HMO Empty Re: employer did not enroll me in HMO Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:43 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

ni enroll ka na ba? ano naman reason nila bakit di ka nila e enroll? yung iba ba ganon din? baka naman na overlook lang talaga..

3employer did not enroll me in HMO Empty Re: employer did not enroll me in HMO Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:54 pm


Arresto Mayor

enrollment of HMO should be easy... ask HR if they have already applied one for you after your inquiry. if you file a complaint against your employer, you will only burn bridges.

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