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Arresto Menor

Just wanna ask if the agency has the right to ask us to pay for the ViSA that the sponsor gave us? Cause if im not mistaken the employer should be paying for it. If we didnt pay for it and if we back out to go abroad to work, does the agency has the right to accuse us in anything or to make a legal action against us.
Please do answer it..
thanks !


Arresto Mayor

One of the sources of obligation is CONTRACT. Review your contract. NO STIPULATION, NO OBLIGATION.


Arresto Menor

adel.villafuerte wrote:One of the sources of obligation is CONTRACT. Review your contract. NO STIPULATION, NO OBLIGATION.

we dont have any contract ...
we just signed a paper about the salary and responsibilities of the job and benefits...
but i havent signed the contract that came from my employer/company yet..
and the problem is the application has been cancelled due to my father's rejection to it..
and the visa came already from the sponsor.. do i have to pay for it? cause the agency is askig for the payment for the visa eventhough im not gonna go and conitnue my application.. the fact is i already told them to cancel the application and its a 2weeks process but then.. the visa came within pass 2weeks...

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