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Which of the grounds for annulment to file to nullify marriage?

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Arresto Menor


I got married August 2006, I was 18 at that time and just gave birth to my son February 2006. For a lot of different reasons, I broke up with my husband October 2011, but before that, I have been living with my sister and him with his parents since July 2010 because he had a quarrel with his mom which forced me to move out. Since then, I have been wanting out of the relationship. He has deeply become a drug addict, hasn't been providing financial support for our kids and is still unemployed. He lives with his parent together with our 2 boys. I am the only one providing financial support. I could not take my kids with me because no one would look after them while I am at work and to get a nanny would not be wise, financially. I have been meaning to file for annulment. Can I file for financial incapacity and psych incapacity? Since he's been abusing drugs, I have reason to believe that he has been irrational and unreasonable and paranoid all the time. Please advise. will greatly appreciate it.



Arresto Menor


just want to ask,is there a chance that we can get married because her wife is still in comatose for a year in a half now..

thank you


Arresto Menor

psychological incapacity would be a proper ground. here, you have to established through a psychologist that your husband had been unable to fulfill his marital obligations and that these characteristics you've mentioned has been in existence prior to your marriage, only, it started to manifest after its celebration. better yet, try seeking for a legal representation in order for you lay the facts properly and for a better legal advice. best of luck


Arresto Menor

so long as a valid marriage still exists, whatever the state his wife is in, you cannot get married. otherwise, you can both be charge with bigamy for contracting a second marriage while there is a previous valid one


Arresto Menor

but can he filled annulment for this ground?


Arresto Mayor

For purposes of remarry, you need the assistance of counsel to file a PETITION FOR ANNULMENT OF MARRIAGE. PETITION FOR ANNULMENT OF MARRIAGE is different from PETITION FOR DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF MARRIAGE. ANNULMENT means that the essential and formal requisites of marriage are present during its celebration, while in NULLITY the marriage is void ab initio (void from the beginning) or VOIDABLE for reason of insufficiency of the formal requisites of marriage. In annulment, you have to prove that PSYCHOLOGICAL INCAPACITY exist before and during the celebration of marriage and you need the services of Psychiatrist to prove the same and to prove further that there is no collusion between the parties.

Finally, no remarriage is allowed by Philippine laws unless there is a JUDICIAL DECLARATION annulling and/or nullifying the prior marriage. Celebration of second marriage without such judicial declaration commits a public crime of bigamy.


Arresto Menor

Can a permanent illness and disorder like comatose is a ground to filled nullity of marriage?

8Which of the grounds for annulment to file to nullify marriage? Empty anullment Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:21 pm

lovely anne

Arresto Menor

hi i wanted to file an anullment to my husbond were benn separated 4 years ago and he had leave in partner now. we have one child can i ask a support to our son? Im looking a lawyer now can you help me and introduced some lawyer to me. im from Diffun, Quirino. Thank you.


Arresto Mayor

Can a permanent illness and disorder like comatose is a ground to filled nullity of marriage?

ANSWER: NO. The ground for Declaration for Nullity of Marriage (void ab initio-void from the beginning or voidable marriage) are the absence of any of the ESSENTIAL and FORMAL REQUISITES of marriage, to wit:


1. Legal Capacity of the parties and must be man and a woman
2. Consent freely given in the presence of the solemnizing officer


1. Authority of the Solemnizing Officer
2. Marriage License; and
3. Marriage Ceremony with at lest 2 witnesses



cyndy_2006 wrote:Can a permanent illness and disorder like comatose is a ground to filled nullity of marriage?

if the degree of comatose reaches the point that the doctors will declare the person brain dead, which for legal purposes, considered deceased, then imo, the spouse can marry again.


Arresto Menor

what if the guy I'm married with found out that I'm currently seeing someone else. Can he sue me for doing that? And on an average, how much would lawyers charge him to sue me? or the average amount of money he needs to do that? Is there a lawyer who would do it for free?


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