I got married August 2006, I was 18 at that time and just gave birth to my son February 2006. For a lot of different reasons, I broke up with my husband October 2011, but before that, I have been living with my sister and him with his parents since July 2010 because he had a quarrel with his mom which forced me to move out. Since then, I have been wanting out of the relationship. He has deeply become a drug addict, hasn't been providing financial support for our kids and is still unemployed. He lives with his parent together with our 2 boys. I am the only one providing financial support. I could not take my kids with me because no one would look after them while I am at work and to get a nanny would not be wise, financially. I have been meaning to file for annulment. Can I file for financial incapacity and psych incapacity? Since he's been abusing drugs, I have reason to believe that he has been irrational and unreasonable and paranoid all the time. Please advise. will greatly appreciate it.