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Unpaid salary loan from a lending company

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1Unpaid salary loan from a lending company Empty Unpaid salary loan from a lending company Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:15 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi There!

Anyone can help me please. I loaned 25000 from a lending company 2 years ago through salary deduction from my atm which is in their hands. I resigned form my jo
b coz I got sick and had problems with working and until now I am still jobless. I signed an SPA granting the lending full rights to my backpay and benfeits I will receive from my company where I worked for 4 years. I didnt claim my backpay with a clear conscience that I no longer have to pay them since they were able to get two months pay as payment . I earned 16thousand a month. Then after 2 years a collection agent called me and demands my payment. I was so shocked about it since I waived all my rights from claiming back pay since I gave the lending all these rights to process and claim it. Am I supposed to pay my dues with two years interest? the lending company confirmed that from my company that I havent claimed my backpay yet. So the question'm is am I legally liable to be paying the loan with interest? Thank you so much.. It stresses me a lot!

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