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Filed more than 30 days notice prior resignation but would like to change effectivity and render 30days instead

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Arresto Menor

Hi, i would like to ask help from you guys. Btw, thanks in advance... Smile

I submitted my resignation letter to my immediate supervisor (IM) last December 8, 2012 and the effectivity date stated there is on January 15, 2013.

The reason i indicated in my resignation letter is due to personal matter. But i was able to speak to my IM prior submitting resignation letter and informed her that i already got a new job which is near in our place (location wise). When i hand over to my IM the letter i asked her to signed my receiving copy but refused to do so and told me that our Department Manager should be the one to sign and receive it and according to her the Dm would just approach me and talk to me first. Up until now i dont hear anything yet from my DM. I followed up to my IM my resignation 2 weeks after but she just told me she already forwarded the letter and wait till i will be called by our DM.

By January 8, 2012 i rendered the 30days already. Although in the resignation letter i stated that it will take effect on January 15, 2013 i want it by January 8, 2013 already because due to some unexpected things that happened in my personal life i have to leave company soon to attend to it. I believed by January 8 i already rendered the 30days.

Here's my question now. Is it possible and legal if i insist not to report to work anymore on Janury 8? Will i have a hard time getting clearance? I will Start my new job as well by the end of January 2013. And my worries now is that they will call the company im going to work with and hold my employment there.

I need your advice please...
More Power! Thank you in advance! Smile

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