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Employment contract upto End of project

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1Employment contract upto End of project Empty Employment contract upto End of project Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:36 pm


Arresto Menor

Im working in a BPO company and was hired as a direct contractor for one of their project since 2005.

The contract states im employed "Until the completion of the project or phase of the project which you were hired"

Every end of year there is a negotiation if the company will stay with the BPO or not. But eventually the contract always gets renewed.

1. Would be the renewal of contract between the BPO and the company enough basis for my termination of contract?

2. Would I receive any separation pay from my employer?

tsi ming choi

Reclusion Perpetua

wewet wrote:

The contract states im employed "Until the completion of the project or phase of the project which you were hired"

1. Would be the renewal of contract between the BPO and the company enough basis for my termination of contract?

Yes, because your employment status is considered as a Project employee, being a project employee, your employment will AUTOMATICALLY end or terminate after the completion of every project.

wewet wrote:
2. Would I receive any separation pay from my employer?

No. Only those Regular employee can avail the separation pay. Regular employee is different from Project employee.

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