It's like this (all names are examples):
Company: Teach Me English Inc.
Talk English
English Time
Explore English
Happy Learner
So basically it's like a BPO with many accounts. Let's say he was assigned to handle the students for Talk English. Talk English is pretty strict so the teachers in that account cannot handle other accounts, like English Time or Explore English.
Here's the thing, Talk English is also a company here in the Philippines. Since they don't have enough teachers, they give some of their students to Teach Me English Inc., where my friend is currently working. Unfortunately, he worked for Talk English before and they didn't renew his contract.
The bosses from Talk English, informed Teach Me English Inc. that they are going to pull out my friend's students and give it to their own employees instead. Talk English also informed my friend's company that he cannot switch to other accounts, like Explore English. (Is that okay? Do they have the right to order his company not to switch him into another account? I mean he's not hired by Talk English. His company is Teach Me English Inc. and he's just handling the students of one of his company's accounts.) So it's like they, Talk English, want him to be terminated. Please bear in mind that all of this stuff was relayed to him TODAY.
A few weeks ago, he was told that he won't continue working in the company next month, November. My friend asked them for an explanation and of course, reconsideration. His company said that his performance is poor and he has bad attendance. The thing is, they don't have evaluations for the employees to determine their work performance. That bad attendance that they told him was based on his ONE absence. He told them the exact same things so the company gave him another month, supposedly the whole month of November. (Maybe they got scared because their grounds for termination have no proof. ) Then his manager talked to him today, informing him of those things I mentioned earlier.
He was given a contract by the HR head who is not working for his company anymore. The company is under a new management now and all of the employees don't have new contracts. His old one was a contractual contract. I think the contract already ended but he still kept working for the company. Now, he doesn't have a new contract. What should he do? Is this a wrongful termination? HELP PLEASE!