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Fathers name on birth certificate - does it require consent?

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Arresto Menor

My boyfriend has been separated from his wife for 7 years. Recently his wife had a baby but nobody knows who exactly the father is although she has been seen around the town with various men and has many men in her house. She is trying to blame it on my boyfriend, her legal husband, in order to save her own reputation and to get more money from his parents. Everybody knows it's impossible since they never saw each other for a long time.
We are worried that she put his name on the birth certificate of that child that is not his. Does she need his consent to put his name on the birth certificate? Because they are still legally married and she's pretending the child is his. Please tell us how we can contest this if so. We don't even know how to find out if she did put his name as father on the birth certificate. Please help. This could ruin our immigration application as common law partners.

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