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Immediate Resignation

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1Immediate Resignation Empty Immediate Resignation Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:05 pm


Arresto Menor

I have a problem about my student and also with her mother. I am not the right person to say this, but based on my experienced i believe that the child has a behavioral problem and so with her mother. She keeps on denying that her daughter can not do such thing, as bullying her classmates. Me and my assistant teacher already reported the case to our guidance but she said that the child is still adjusting with her new environment. I as her teacher i do lots of things to caught her attention and refrain from doing that thing.I also follow what the guidance told us to do. But still the problem continues and a lot of students are being hurt and worst of all the students imitate her misbehavior. And because of the frequent meeting with her (mother) she believe that I don't want her child to be in that school. During our meeting with the prefect of discipline and the guidance councilor she threatened us (me and my assistant teacher) that she will bring this to the deped, fiscal, the president of our school, etc. She also blotter us that we make such things as verbal,threat and physical abuse her child.But everybody knows that we really did not do that. There are lots of wrong rumors about us. And it really made me feel like i'm inefficient teacher. So i decided to pass my immediate resignation but the school didn't accept my resignation. Because of all the things that had happened I cannot concentrate and i'm emotionally unstable to continue my teaching. It also affects my health, i cannot go outside the room because i'm thinking if i go outside people will look at me and thinking that they are talking about me. i cannot go to the toilet, i cannot go to the pantry to get water.

Is it possible for me to request for immediate resignation? Please kindly help me. pale

2Immediate Resignation Empty Re: Immediate Resignation Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:45 pm


Arresto Menor

And in addition, i signed my contract last June 1, 2012 but until now they did not gave us our own copy of contract. Last Monday po they called us new teachers to again sign a new contract,because of some changes in our salary.

Atty. what will happen to the first contract that i have signed? Is it void already? I did not bother to sign again for the new contract because of my plan to resign.
Does it mean even if i resign i might not observed the one month notice?

I'm really helpless, 55

I asked for a copy of my contract but they don't allow us to have a copy?
i believe that it is my right to have a copy of it.

3Immediate Resignation Empty Re: Immediate Resignation Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:45 am



i recommend you just file with 30 day notice.

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