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Owner - Tenant Problem

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1Owner - Tenant Problem Empty Owner - Tenant Problem Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:21 pm


Arresto Menor

I am a tenant in a small stall since April 15, 2012 without any contract sign. Two weeks ago, the owner & I have some mis-understanding and he asked me to move out from his stall right away that time even though I don't have any un-paid bills to him.

Today, He asked me to call him. I texted him that the phone @ the house is not working and I don't have load to call him at his cellphone. He replied on me and telling me to move out from his stall, as he don't need a tenant like me that not following him. He told me that I shouldn't insist myself renting that stall especially that he don't want me anymore to rent that stall. I haven't paid my rent for period of Sept 15 - Oct 15 (P1500) plus electricity (P774).

1. As the owner, is he have all the right to do that on me? To kick me out just like that since we don't have any signed contract.
2. I spend money for the stall, can I ask him to pay me back the money that I spent since his kicking me out like that.

Your advice is highly appreciated. Thank you very much.


Ruth Villanueva

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